Promotion Kids
Building the lives of children all over the globe
Promotion Kids
Building the lives of children all over the globe
The Colour Sisterhood is a growing movement of women who are responding to the simple invitation to BE THE CHANGE and make a positive difference in their local and global communities. We are living in remarkable and yet challenging days, and the need for peace, answers and solution is greater than ever.
If making the world a better place resonates with you, you belong within the Sisterhood story.
Follow The Colour Sisterhood and Bobbie Houston to keep up-to-date with all that’s happening
The needs in our communities are numerous and it can sometimes feel overwhelming to know where you can begin to help and bring positive change.
This little questionnaire is designed to help you delve down into where your passion lies in helping others and making a difference in your own local community or those around the world.
The Sisterhood Fight Club is all about letting prayer do the heavy lifting as we turn our attention to a world that is broken on many levels and in need of restoration. Let our churches and homes be known as “a house of prayer for all peoples” (Isaiah 56:7).
Join us! Set your alarm at #middaybabymidday and pray with us for the world.